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PASCARIU, C.,BARBU, I.D.,BACIVAROV, I., (2017). Investigative Analysis and Technical Overview of Ransomware Based Attacks. Case Study: WannaCry. International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime, 6(1), 57-62. Retrieve from https://www.ijisc.comPASCARIU, C., BARBU, I.D., BACIVAROV, I., 2017. Investigative Analysis and Technical Overview of Ransomware Based Attacks. Case Study: WannaCry. International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime 6(1), 57-62. Available from: https://www.ijisc.comC. PASCARIU, I.D. BARBU, I. BACIVAROV, "Investigative Analysis and Technical Overview of Ransomware Based Attacks. Case Study: WannaCry," International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 57-62, 2017. Available: https://www.ijisc.comPASCARIU, C., BARBU, I.D., BACIVAROV, I., 'Investigative Analysis and Technical Overview of Ransomware Based Attacks. Case Study: WannaCry', International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime, vol. 6, no. 1, 57-62, (2017).PASCARIU, C.,BARBU, I.D.,BACIVAROV, I.,: Investigative Analysis and Technical Overview of Ransomware Based Attacks. Case Study: WannaCry. International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime 6 (2017) 57-62. https://www.ijisc.comPASCARIU, C., BARBU, I.D., BACIVAROV, I., (2017), Investigative Analysis and Technical Overview of Ransomware Based Attacks. Case Study: WannaCry. International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime, 6: 57-62. https://www.ijisc.com Citation Format :
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