LTE Data Security: UE Mobile Terminal Authentication and Encryption on Radio Interface with E-UTRAN
Author(s): VOICU, Mirel
Author(s) keywords: authentication, data security, encryption, radio interface
Reference keywords: authentication, data encryption, data security
Security in mobile communications has always represented a factor of interest for the different standardization bodies like 3GPP. Mobility offers flexibility through voice and data over wireless. However, the transfer of information in such a medium is subject to interception by unauthorized individuals which could capture and use it for their own purposes. The scope of this paper is to show how wireless security can be assured in the new generation of mobile communications, 4G/LTE.
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English title: LTE Data Security: UE Mobile Terminal Authentication and Encryption on Radio Interface with E-UTRAN
Original title: Securitatea Datelor în LTE: Autentificarea și Cifrarea terminalului mobil UE pe interfața radio cu E-UTRAN
Author(s): VOICU, Mirel
Article Language: Romanian
Date of Publication: 2012-06-21
Publication: International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime
ISSN: 2285-9225 e-ISSN: 2286-0096
Digital Object Identifier: 10.19107/IJISC.2012.01.02
Issue: Volume 1, Issue 1, Year 2012
Section: Advances in Information Security Research
Page Range: 19-25 (7 pages)
Copyright ©2012-2025
The International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime (IJISC)
All rights reserved
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