“Internet Services” Book Review
Author(s): DRĂGULINESCU, Marin
Issue: Volume 2, Issue 1, Year 2013
The book “Internet Services” (authors: Angelica-Beatrice BACIVAROV, Costel CIUCHI and Gabriel PETRICA) takes an overview of the Internet network concept: aim, technical means, services, protocols, applications, security risks and vulnerabilities.
It’s a certitude that in the contemporary social, technical and information context, development in any field as well as progress are impossible without considering the use of the Internet network. Used at office or home, the Internet provide a way to enhance business opportunities, to communicate, to search for various information or to keep contact with world’s realities and events. The world’s biggest network provide all users an equal access to data and services.
In this book we can find both introductory notions (for beginners of Internet services), and advanced information on applications and services, starting from connection technologies available to user up to examples of how to use complex applications.
Beside theory aspects, the book contains numerous practical examples, the hardware and software aspects pertaining to equipment and services for typical applications – World Wide Web, electronic mail or file transfer between clients and servers. The book offers information about computer local networks’ models and information transmission protocols, domain names organization and ranking. A special attention is paid to the ways to ensure the Internet security and privacy, main virus categories and malware type threats, and also to solutions for these problems.
The first chapter, “Internet – Short History”, describes the context in which the Internet network appeared and developed, providing a general view on its evolution along time worldwide and in our country.
The second chapter, “Computer Networks – Basics”, reviews the main models of computer networks, making a classification of them after geographic location, visibility, and topology. It also defines fundamental terms such as: connection, ports, the client-server architecture or TCP/IP protocol.
In the third chapter, “Internet Network Connection”, authors presents general aspects regarding the Internet technologies and connections, the hardware and software components of a network, the DNS system and the domain names’ organization.
“Applications and Internet Services” is the fourth chapter which describes the mostly – used services and applications in the Internet network, and provides details on the operation and practical use of services such as: WWW, e-mail, FTP, chat and instant messaging. There are equally described the main services (active in the past, present and even future), such as USENET, Web feeds, multimedia streams, social networks, virtual reality and entertainment, business environment and e-learning concept.
The fifth chapter, “Internet Security and Privacy”, presents aspects related to security and privacy on Internet. Information security is an increasingly important aspect, being outlined from the angle of physical security, of services and data and of the main ways to secure networks and applications. Among other subjects, this chapter offers information about:
- malicious software (Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Spyware, Adware);
- malicious e-mail (Spam, Scam, Hoax, Phishing);
- other threats like IP spoofing, Denial-of-Service, Cross-Site Scripting, SQL Injections, Remote File Inclusion;
- software techniques to ensure computer security: firewall, anti-virus, data backup applications, encryption algorithms and how to sign electronic messages with digital certificates.
In the six chapter, “News & Perspectives”, we can find interesting details about some of Internet development trends. Terms such as: Internet of Things or Semantic Web will become usual in short time, new technologies and services being under development and to be implemented in the short or medium run.
The book ends with three annexes comprising units and prefixes used to measure the amount of information, a list of top-level domains and a ranking of anti virus programs.
The present book is the outcome of an important experience acquired further to numerous scientific programs or research activity attended by authors and of many courses and didactic laboratory classes along years.
Title: “Internet Services” Book Review
Author(s): DRĂGULINESCU, Marin
Publication: International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime
ISSN: 2285-9225, e-ISSN: 2286-0096
Issue: Volume 2, Issue 1, Year 2013
Section: Books Reviews and Conferences Analysis
Page Range: 71-72
Copyright ©2012-2025
The International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime (IJISC)
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