Assessing the Actual Impact of a Cryptojacking Attack on Individual IT Systems and Measuring Legal Responses
Author(s): BOROWSKI, Mikolaj; DYSARZ, Jakub; REICHWALD, Maciej
Author(s) keywords: cryptojacking, cybercrime, malicious cryptomining, malicious software, web-based attacks
Reference keywords: cryptojacking, cyber attack, legal
Mining cryptocurrencies is much more profitable if one is not paying for equipment or the electricity used for the mining. This is the main reason why cryptojacking has become so prevalent as one of the predominant cybersecurity threats facing Europe today. While the robustness of an organisation is important, one should also know what to do following a security incident or breach. Whilst post-incident analyses are important, an organization should also ascertain their legal standing as well as any possible ways forward after the damage has been done. In order to have a better idea of such a situation, we conducted an in-depth analysis of what a cryptojacking attack would do to our computer network. We did not do that to better protect ourselves, but rather to assess what management can do after an attack happens. Furthermore, we present areas that should be taken into account when assessing damage and propose legal measures effective at the European Union level, relying on criminal, civil and data protection provisions.
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Article Title: Assessing the Actual Impact of a Cryptojacking Attack on Individual IT Systems and Measuring Legal Responses
Author(s): BOROWSKI, Mikolaj; DYSARZ, Jakub; REICHWALD, Maciej
Date of Publication: 2021-12-28
Publication: International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime
ISSN: 2285-9225 e-ISSN: 2286-0096
Digital Object Identifier: 10.19107/IJISC.2021.02.06
Issue: Volume 10, Issue 2, Year 2021
Section: Cyber-Attacks Evolution and Cybercrime Trends
Page Range: 51-74 (24 pages)
Copyright ©2012-2025
The International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime (IJISC)
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