Cybercrime Evolution and Current Threats
Author(s): OPRIȘ, Cristian-Ovidiu
Author(s) keywords: DoS, IoT threats, Malware as a Service, ransomware
Reference keywords: cyber threats, cyber-attacks, cybercrime
Cybercrime may be the biggest global threat in our time. This article reviews the current evolution of cybercrime and highlights some types of cybersecurity attacks: phishing, web-based attacks, malware, Denial of Service, Zero Day Manipulations, Cross-Site Scripting and IoT threats. We take a detailed study on ransomware phenomenon and present security measures that can protect companies and individuals regarding the current threats in cybersecurity field.
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Article Title: Cybercrime Evolution and Current Threats
Author(s): OPRIȘ, Cristian-Ovidiu
Date of Publication: 2022-06-28
Publication: International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime
ISSN: 2285-9225 e-ISSN: 2286-0096
Digital Object Identifier: 10.19107/IJISC.2022.01.05
Issue: Volume 11, Issue 1, Year 2022
Section: Cyber-Attacks Evolution and Cybercrime Trends
Page Range: 41-48 (8 pages)
Copyright ©2012-2025
The International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime (IJISC)
All rights reserved
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