Security Standards Analysis
Author(s): MIHAI, Ioan-Cosmin
Author(s) keywords: information security, ISO 27000, security standards
Reference keywords: information security
Cybersecurity standards help organizations to define and to practice security techniques to minimize the impact of informatics attacks. This paper analyzes the importance of security in the informatics domain and the series of standards ISO 27000.
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English title: Security Standards Analysis
Original title: Analiza standardelor de securitate
Author(s): MIHAI, Ioan-Cosmin
Article Language: Romanian
Date of Publication: 2013-12-28
Publication: International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime
ISSN: 2285-9225 e-ISSN: 2286-0096
Digital Object Identifier: 10.19107/IJISC.2013.02.03
Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2, Year 2013
Section: Advances in Information Security Research
Page Range: 27-34 (8 pages)
Copyright ©2012-2025
The International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime (IJISC)
All rights reserved
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