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  • Report on Cyber Security Alerts Processed by CERT-RO in 2016

    Author(s): CERT, RO
    Issue: Volume 6, Issue 1, Year 2017

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    1. Main findings

    The objective of this report is the analysis of cyber security alerts collected and processed by CERT-RO in 2016, in order to obtain an overview of relevant events for an assessment of cyber security risks to cyber infrastructures in Romania within the competence of CERT-RO.

    In the reference period, i.e. 01.01.2016 – 31.12.2016, CERT-RO collected and processed 110,194,890 cyber security alerts, an increase of 61.55% compared to 2015 (68,206,856), of which:

    In the context of this report, a cyber security alert is any report that contains an IP address or a domain (URL) related to a possible incident or cyber security event, which involves or may involve information systems in the national cyberspace, held / managed by individuals or legal entities in Romania.

    A total of 2,920,407 unique IP addresses have been targeted by alerts collected by CERT-RO in 2016. The total number of unique IPs allocated to organizations in Romania is 7,540,736[1], a decrease compared to 2015 (8,958,498), 2014 (approx. 10 mil.) and 2013 (approx. 13.5 mil.).

    The analysis of cyber security alerts collected by CERT-RO in 2016 resulted in the following findings:

    Based on these findings, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    Despite technical issues that make it impossible to identify the exact number of devices or people behind the approximately 2.9 million IP addresses affected or 110 mil. alerts reported to CERT-RO, it is important to remember that they cover about 38.72% of the national cyberspace (by reference to the no. of IPs assigned RO) and therefore remedial measures are necessary, requiring the involvement of all actors with technical or legal responsibilities.

    2. Types of alerts processed by CERT-RO

    CERT-RO processes two types of cyber security alerts:

    3. Statistical data based on alerts received

    The number of alerts collected by CERT-RO in 2016 (110.194.890) increased by 61.55% compared to 2015 (68.206.856). The figure below reflects the evolution in the number of alerts per year since 2013.

    Fig. 1. Evolution in the number of alerts per year
    collected in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016

    The significant number of alerts shown in CERT-RO reports highlights the institutional needs to ensure a system able to collect, process and disseminate large volumes of data automatically.

    3.1. Alerts distribution according to class (category of alert)

    Alerts collected and processed by CERT-RO were classified according to a taxonomy in which classes and types of alerts have been defined (a “class” representing a generic category that can encompass more specific types of alerts).

    The description (taxonomy) of the types of alerts processed by CERT-RO can be found in section 3.8 at the end of this report.

    The table and chart below show the distribution of the five most common categories of alerts according to their number and the graphical distribution of alerts according to their type.

    Table 1. Top 5 security alerts per class (category)

    No. Alert class Number of alerts Percentage
    1 Vulnerabilities 89,684,933 81.39 %
    2 Botnet 14,121,119 12.81 %
    3 Compromised Resources 5,902,174 5.36 %
    4 Malware 454,807 0.41 %
    5 Cyber Attacks 26,466 0.02 %


    Fig. 2. Alerts distribution depending on their type

    3.2. Alerts distribution according to number of incidents

    Given that some alerts collected by CERT-RO are repetitive in the sense that more alerts refer to the same IP address and the same problem (class / type of alert) a de-duplication of alerts was made, by grouping them into incidents.

    The general principle used for this was to group all the alerts that relate to the same system and the same type of problem (class / type of alert).

    Given that alerts collected by CERT-RO refer only to public IP addresses, it is impossible to determine the exact number of systems affected (victims), because of the following two reasons:

    In this context, alerts have been grouped on incidents based on the following aspects:

    1. Alerts related to vulnerabilities have a significant share in the total number of alerts (81.39%). These vulnerabilities relate to applications and services running on server platforms (web servers, database servers, time servers etc.) whose IP addresses are not dynamically allocated and who generally don’t change their IP address very often. Consequently, for alerts related to vulnerabilities, we felt that it was sufficient for the aggregation to be based on IP address and class / type of alert;
    2. In the case of alerts related to botnets, whose share is 12.81%, the aggregation is based on computer systems of home users that are infected with various types of botnet malware. In most cases for these systems the allocation of IP addresses is dynamic. Consequently, for alerts related to botnets the aggregation was based on the IP address, the class / type of alert and the period of time between two notifications (up to 14 days).

    In conclusion, by grouping alerts on incidents, according to the algorithm and considerations mentioned above, we obtain a number of 4,035,445 incidents in 2016, distributed as shown in the table and graph below.

    Table 2. Distribution of alerts according to the number of incidents

    No. Alert Class Number of incidents Percentage
    1 Vulnerabilities 2,380,120 58.98%
    2 Botnet 1,653,096 40.96%
    3 Malware 2,071 0.05%
    4 Others 158 0.01 %


    The statistics based on aggregating alerts collected according to incidents shows that the IT systems that are part of botnet networks (40.96%) are still one of the main problems of the national cyber space, alongside with vulnerable systems (58.98%).

    The aggregation of alerts on incidents shows that the botnet threat is much more significant than it was indicated by the statistical data related to the number of alerts. This is happening because the alerts related to vulnerabilities are much more repetitive and many systems remain vulnerable for a longer period of time, being reported repeatedly.

    3.3. Types of malware typical to Romanian cyberspace

    An alarming 13% of all alerts collected and processed by CERT-RO in the first part of 2016 contain information on the type of malware associated to the alert (such as botnet alerts or malicious URLs).

    Table 3. Top 10 malware types in Romania

    No. Malware type Number of alerts Percentage
    1 Sality 4,953,615 34.16%
    2 Downadup 2,570,006 17.72%
    3 Nivdort 1,979,510 13.65%
    4 Ramnit 1,081,592 7.46%
    5 Dorkbot 830,914 5.73%
    6 Mirai 522,377 3.60%
    7 Zeroaccess 312,785 2.16%
    8 Virut 277,460 1.91%
    9 Conficker 244,371 1.69%
    10 Tinba 187,556 1.29%


    3.4. Types of systems affected

    20.19% of all alerts collected and processed by CERT-RO in 2016 contain information relating to the operating system of the systems targeted by alerts.

    The following table lists the types of alerts according to operating systems.

    Table 4. Distribution of alerts according to types of affected operating systems

    No. Operating System Family Percentage
    1 Linux 42.96%
    2 Network Devices Firmware/OS 22.91%
    3 Unix 24.02%
    4 UPnP OS 8.08%
    5 Windows 0.57%


    3.5. Particularities of alerts processed manually

    Along with automatic alerts, CERT-RO analysts have collected a series of cyber security alerts notified directly by individuals or organizations in the country or abroad, classified as manually processed alerts.

    They are considerably fewer than automatic ones, but they contain information that is much more complete and relevant about the incident and the organization affected, such as the source and the method of attack. In most cases the data are collected by CERT-RO analysts at the time of the notification of the incident, from affected entities (natural or legal persons in the country or abroad).

    In 2016 CERT-RO collected 1.363 manually processed alerts, distributed as follows:

    Table 5. Manually processed alerts distribution

    No. Alert class Alert type Number of alerts Percentage
    1 Fraud Phishing 505 37.05 %
    2 Malware Malicious Url 363 26.63 %
    3 Malware Infected IP 256 18.78 %
    4 Botnet Botnet Drone 84 6.16 %
    5 Botnet Botnet CC Server 42 3.08 %
    6 Cyber Attacks Bruteforce 37 2.71 %
    7 Information Gathering Scanner 23 1.69 %
    8 Vulnerabilities Other 23 1.69 %
    9 AbusiveContent Spam 17 1.25 %
    10 Compromised Resources Infected IP 13 0.95 %


    3.6. Compromised ”.ro” domains

    During the reporting period, CERT-RO received alerts related to 10,639 compromised “.ro” domains.

    Of the 896,726[4] domains registered in Romania (by December 2016), this number represents approximately 1.19% of the total ”.ro” domains and approximately 2.52% of all active “.ro” domains.

    The distribution of the affected domains by the type of incident is reflected in the table below.

    Table 6. “.ro” compromised domains

    No. Alert class Number of websites
    1 Vulnerabilities 8,202
    2 Malware 1,363
    3 Botnet 677
    4 Fraud 361
    5 Abusive Content 36
      TOTAL 10,639


    3.7. Detailed distribution of alerts by types and classes

    The table below shows all the alert types collected by CERT-RO in 2016.

    We note that, compared to 2015, CERT-RO has processed 11 new types of vulnerabilities: Open Port Mapper, Open TFTP, Open CWMP, Open NetBIOS, Open Telnet, Open RDP, Vulnerable ISAKMP, Open Redis, Open mDNS, Open XDMCP and Open DB2.

    No. Alert class Alert type Alert number Percentage
    1 Vulnerabilities Open Portmapper 20,539,496 18.63925%
    2 Vulnerabilities SSL_POODLE 15,358,349 13.93744%
    3 Vulnerabilities Vulnerable NTP 14,493,897 13.15297%
    4 Botnet Botnet Drone 14,117,097 12.81103%
    5 Vulnerabilities Open SSDP 11,177,596 10.14348%
    6 Vulnerabilities Open Resolver 10,107,848 9.17270%
    7 Compromised Resources Infected IP 5,902,187 5.35613%
    8 Vulnerabilities Open TFTP 4,027,012 3.65445%
    9 Vulnerabilities Open CWMP 3,026,661 2.74664%
    10 Vulnerabilities Open SNMP 2,430,907 2.20601%
    11 Vulnerabilities Open NetBIOS 2,306,809 2.09339%
    12 Vulnerabilities Open Telnet 2,116,736 1.92090%
    13 Vulnerabilities Open RDP 981,330 0.89054%
    14 Vulnerabilities Open IPMI 626,050 0.56813%
    15 Vulnerabilities Open MsSql 615,636 0.55868%
    16 Vulnerabilities Open NAT-PMP 604,933 0.54897%
    17 Vulnerabilities Open mDNS 575,435 0.52220%
    18 Malware Malicious Url 455,169 0.41306%
    19 Vulnerabilities Vulnerable ISAKMP 309,947 0.28127%
    20 Vulnerabilities Open Mongodb 143,375 0.13011%
    21 Vulnerabilities FREAK 73,748 0.06693%
    22 Vulnerabilities Open Redis 60,093 0.05453%
    23 Vulnerabilities Open Chargen 48,781 0.04427%
    24 Vulnerabilities Open QOTD 33,792 0.03067%
    25 Cyber Attacks Bruteforce 26,503 0.02405%
    26 Vulnerabilities Open Elasticsearch 12,677 0.01150%
    27 Vulnerabilities Netis Vulnerability 6,003 0.00545%
    28 Vulnerabilities Open Xdmcp 4,162 0.00378%
    29 Botnet Botnet CC Server 4,148 0.00376%
    30 Vulnerabilities Open Proxy 2,685 0.00244%
    31 Fraud Phising 3,062 0.00278%
    32 Vulnerabilities Open DB2 975 0.00088%
    33 Abusive Content Spam 911 0.00083%
    34 Information Gathering Scanner 600 0.00054%
    35 Malware Infected IP 257 0.00023%
    36 Vulnerabilities Other 23 0.00002%
      TOTAL 110,194,890 100.00%


    3.8. Description (taxonomy) of alert types processed by CERT-RO

    Alert class Alert type Description
    Abusive Content Spam Unrequested electronic communication (email) with commercial character.
    Botnet Botnet C&C Server Information systems used for controlling the victims (drone, zombie) within a botnet network.
    Botnet Drone Network of infected information systems controlled by other persons/organization than the actual owners.
    Cyber Attacks Bruteforce Automated password cracking method, used for revealing the legitimate credentials of the users of an information system. Practically, through automated mechanisms, one can generate and test a large number of password combinations, until retrieving the real credentials.
    DDoS A DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack aims at affecting or even interrupting some services exposed in the internet (websites, servers, etc.).
    Fraud Phishing A form of online fraud based on employing certain techniques of manipulating the identities of persons/ organizations with the purpose of obtaining material advantages or confidential information.
    Information Gathering Scanner Systems that scan entire IP classes on the internet, with the purpose of identifying vulnerable systems, over which a cyber attack can be subsequently launched. Scanning is the initial phase in most cyber attacks.
    Malware Infected IP Information systems/ services which serve as infection vector for other information systems. The systems/ services are practically hosting, with or without the permission of the administrator, various samples of malware which can infect other legitimate users.
    Ransomware Ransomware is a software that blocks access to files stored in an information system and requires the payment of a certain amount of money in exchange to restoring access to these.
    Malicious URL Compromised websites, most of the times without the administrator’s permission, which host various types of malware, thus facilitating the infection of other legit users who visit the respective links.
    Vulnerabilities Open Protocols and Services:

    Portmapper, NTP, SSDP, TFTP, CWMP, SNMP, NetBIOS, Telnet, RDP, IPMI, MsSql, NAT-PMP, mDNS, ISAKMP, Mongodb, Redis, Chargen, QOTD, Elasticsearch, Xdmcp, DB2

    Protocols or services which roll on different information systems, often servers, which are not adequately configured or represent un-updated versions with known security problems.

    These information systems are vulnerable to different threats which can exploit the respective vulnerabilities.

    Open Resolver Unsecure DNS servers, which allow launching recurrent DNS requests for other domains, other than those hosted by the DNS server. They are used for DNS Amplification attacks.
    SSL_POODLE POODLE attacks are based on the fact that when a secured connection fails, the servers negotiate the use of older protocols, such as SSL 3.0. An attacker that can launch a connection error can subsequently force the use of SSL 3.0 and exploit the vulnerability.
    FREAK A new SSL/TLS – FREAK vulnerability, acronym for Factoring RSA Export Keys. This vulnerability allows attackers to intercept HTTPS connections between vulnerable clients and web servers, forcing them to use „export-grade” cryptography.
    Netis Vulnerability NETIS router vulnerability, which allows an attacker to gain control over the device. This can be successful when the attacker retrieves the external IP address of the equipment and he accesses the 53413 UDP port.

    Note: The table above contains the cyber security alerts frequently notified to CERT-RO. Although the threat landscape is much more diverse, not all are found in the notifications received by CERT-RO.

    [1] According to http://www.nirsoft.net/countryip/ro.html

    [2] According to ICI-ROTLD data published at http://www.rotld.ro/ 3 http://viewdns.info/data/

    [3] http://viewdns.info/data/

    [4] According to ICI-ROTLD data published at http://www.rotld.ro/

    Additional Information

    Title: Report on Cyber Security Alerts Processed by CERT-RO in 2016
    Author(s): CERT, RO
    Publication: International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime
    ISSN: 2285-9225, e-ISSN: 2286-0096
    Issue: Volume 6, Issue 1, Year 2017
    Section: Cyber-Attacks Evolution and Cybercrime Trends
    Page Range: 83-92

    Copyright ©2012-2024
    The International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime (IJISC)

    All rights reserved
    The International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime is a trademark of the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance (RAISA).
    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, photocopied, recorded or archived, without the written permission from RAISA. When authors submit their papers for publication, they agree that the copyright for their article be transferred to the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance, if the articles are accepted for publication. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints and translations.