Need for Education on Cybersecurity
Author(s): DOBRINOIU, Maxim
Author(s) keywords: cybersecurity, education, information society, Internet
Reference keywords: cybersecurity, education
In an education-based society, the strength of the educational system promoted at a certain moment in time is given by the broad dependency on the level of the social, economic or cultural development. The knowledge society, and its assimilated variant – the information society, are not lacking of vulnerabilities and risks related to the security of the technology their existence depends on. From a beneficiary, the education becomes a security provider, through a timely yet necessary implication, in order to ensure a comprehensive and suitable training of all citizens with regard to the protection of the cyberspace, of the rights, interests, and opportunities that may influence our nation’s social and economic development.
[2]. Article 1 of Law no. 1 of 2011 on the national education.
[4]. Approved by Government Decision no. 271/15.05.2013, published in the Official Gazette no. 296/23.05.2013.
Article Title: Need for Education on Cybersecurity
Author(s): DOBRINOIU, Maxim
Date of Publication: 2017-06-29
Publication: International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime
ISSN: 2285-9225 e-ISSN: 2286-0096
Digital Object Identifier: 10.19107/IJISC.2017.01.02
Issue: Volume 6, Issue 1, Year 2017
Section: Advances in Information Security Research
Page Range: 25-32 (8 pages)
Copyright ©2012-2025
The International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime (IJISC)
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