Pattern of Cybercrime among Adolescents: An Exploratory Study
Author(s): SHAHJAHAN, Mohammad; MIAH, Abdul Kader
Author(s) keywords: adolescents, cybercrime, Internet, pattern
Reference keywords: adolescent, cybercrime, study
Background: Cybercrime is common phenomenon at present both developed and developing countries. Young generation, especially adolescents now engaged internet frequently and they commit cybercrime frequently in Bangladesh. Objective: In this regard, the present study on the pattern of cybercrime among youngers of Bangladesh has been conducted. Methods and tools: This study was a cross-sectional study, descriptive in nature. Non-probability accidental sampling technique has been applied to select the sample because of the nonfinite population and the sample size was 167. A printed semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Results: The study shows that adolescents mainly do hacking (94.6%), pornography (88.6%), software piracy (85 %), cyber theft (82.6%), credit card fraud (81.4%), cyber defamation (75.6%), sweet heart swindling (social network) (65.9%) etc. as cybercrime. According to findings the major causes of cybercrime among the respondents in Bangladesh were- weak laws (88.0%), defective socialization (81.4%), peer group influence (80.2%), easy accessibility to internet (74.3%), corruption (62.9%), unemployment (58.7%), and poverty (24.6%) etc. It is evident from the study that 91.0% respondents used password cracker as the techniques of cyber criminality. About 76.6%, 72.5%, 71.9%, 68.3% and 60.5% respondents’ technique was key loggers, network sniffer, exploiting, vulnerability scanner and port scanner consecutively. Conclusion: The study concluded that pattern of cybercrimes is frequently changing and increasing dramatically. Finally, it is recommending that the private public partnership and execution of existing laws can be controlling this crime.
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Article Title: Pattern of Cybercrime among Adolescents: An Exploratory Study
Author(s): SHAHJAHAN, Mohammad; MIAH, Abdul Kader
Date of Publication: 2023-12-27
Publication: International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime
ISSN: 2285-9225 e-ISSN: 2286-0096
Digital Object Identifier: 10.19107/IJISC.2023.02.05
Issue: Volume 12, Issue 2, Year 2023
Section: Cyber-Attacks Evolution and Cybercrime Trends
Page Range: 43-48 (6 pages)
Copyright ©2012-2025
The International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime (IJISC)
All rights reserved
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