Wireless LAN Security Issues (I). Types of Attacks
Author(s): GHERGHINA, Cătălina; PETRICĂ, Gabriel
Author(s) keywords: attack, network, security, wireless, WLAN
Reference keywords: network security, wireless network
Wireless communication is a very important part of our lives. Using mobile networks (GSM, UMTS or LTE standards), satellites connections, Wi-Fi local networks or terrestrial microwave, the telecommunication and data transfer between people or companies are assured. This paper presents an overview of wireless networks with their advantages and drawbacks and highlights some of the most common types of attacks whereby an intruder can intercept data.
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Article Title: Wireless LAN Security Issues (I). Types of Attacks
Author(s): GHERGHINA, Cătălina; PETRICĂ, Gabriel
Date of Publication: 2013-12-28
Publication: International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime
ISSN: 2285-9225 e-ISSN: 2286-0096
Digital Object Identifier: 10.19107/IJISC.2013.02.07
Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2, Year 2013
Section: Cyber-Attacks Evolution and Cybercrime Trends
Page Range: 61-68 (8 pages)
Copyright ©2012-2025
The International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime (IJISC)
All rights reserved
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