“Challenges and Strategies in Cybersecurity” Book Review
Author(s): BACIVAROV, Ioan
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 2, Year 2015
The book “Challenges and strategies in cybersecurity” (authors: Ioan Cosmin MIHAI, Gabriel PETRICĂ, Costel CIUCHI, and Laurențiu GIUREA) aims to present the concept of cybersecurity and to propose strategies and solutions to ensure it.
Cyberspace, characterized by the absence of borders and anonymity, has besides the obvious benefits, a number of threats, difficult to identify and counter, that can target the critical infrastructures of a state. In the context of the risks present in the online environment, both at individual and governmental level, with cross-border manifestation, ensuring cybersecurity – part of national security – gains accentuated importance, constituting a real challenge for all stakeholders.
The book “Challenges and strategies in cybersecurity” is divided into seven chapters. Chapter I presents the basic concepts and principles on cybersecurity, the threats and risks in the virtual space and the IT infrastructure vulnerabilities. Romania’s Cybersecurity Strategy is analyzed, and it is emphasized the importance of developing cooperation between the public, private and academic environments for cyberspace security purposes. There are described the roles of National Cybersecurity System and CERT structures, both in the public and private sector.
Chapter II includes the study of virtual cyber-attacks. Attacks are categorized by cybercriminals target and access level to the cyber infrastructures. Special attention is paid to cybercriminals profile analysis. Various methods are proposed for prevention and the fight against cybercrime.
Chapter III theme is security risk management, it presents risks and threats to information systems and risk analysis is conducted in the terms of quality and quantity. In the end, there is a comparative study of OCTAVE and NIST SP 800-30 methodologies, dedicated to risk management.
Chapter IV largely analyses the encryption mechanisms, the process of authentication, the secure communication channels and virtual private networks.
Chapter V addresses the practical aspects of the creation and use of digital certificates for signing and / or securing documents and communications. There are presented securing techniques for documents created within Microsoft Office productivity suite, PDF files, and messages sent by electronic mail. The last part of the chapter presents aspects related to securing websites and digital certificates installed on Web servers.
Chapter VI presents digital rights management modes for different types of multimedia information: audio, video and eBooks. The end of this chapter provides digital rights management techniques on documents, ways to control or limit the access of users or groups of users to those documents.
Chapter VII presents the structure of the information platform hosted on securitatea-cibernetica.ro. This portal aims to promote the scientific research results in the field of cybersecurity.
The last chapter presents conclusions on threats specific to virtual environment and the importance of cooperation between the public, private and academic system to ensure the cybersecurity.
Scientific research carried out for the realization of this book was made possible with support from RAISA – Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance. In terms of research methodology, both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. The methods used in qualitative research were participant observation, interviews, case studies, comparative studies and analysis of relevant bibliography. Quantitative research aimed to verify theories which were obtained through qualitative research methods, and used as methods experiments and surveys conducted on securitatea-cibernetica.ro platform.
Title: “Challenges and Strategies in Cybersecurity” Book Review
Author(s): BACIVAROV, Ioan
Publication: International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime
ISSN: 2285-9225, e-ISSN: 2286-0096
Issue: Volume 4, Issue 2, Year 2015
Section: Books Reviews and Conferences Analysis
Page Range: 105-106
Copyright ©2012-2025
The International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime (IJISC)
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