RAISA Workshops That Marked a Century of Modern Quality
Author(s): PETRICA, Gabriel
Issue: Volume 13, Issue 1, Year 2024
Quality was celebrated on May 16, 2024, a century since it was established as a science. As shown in a press release from the AGERPRES National Press Agency to mark the centenary of quality, the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance (RAISA) organized in the middle of May – together with partners from the academic environment – several events, in physical and hybrid format. They were attended by specialists in the field from different generations, students, masters and doctoral students in the field.
A first workshop dedicated to this event was organized on May 13, 2024, under the auspices of the EUROQUALROM Laboratory from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (FETIT) – National University of Science and Technology “POLITEHNICA” Bucharest (NUSTPB) and RAISA.
Participants at the Workshop from 13 May 2024
In its opening, Professor Emeritus Ioan C. Bacivarov, PhD, Director of EUROQUALROM – FETIT emphasized the significance of this event and presented the significant developments in the field of quality in this century of continuous evolution. The speaker emphasized that in this century of existence, concerns in the field have evolved permanently, from aspects related to quality control and assurance to those related to its management and certification. Likewise, the weight of quality components has changed, evolving from compliance control to reliability and maintainability, in the second half of the last century and reaching security, especially cyber security in the last two decades.
Next, Professor Angelica Bacivarov, PhD, Vice-President of ARASEC for educational programs, evoked the significant postgraduate educational projects and programs developed within the Electronic Technology and Reliability Department (FETIT – NUSTPB) in more than five decades of its existence and especially the European educational project TEMPUS S_JEP 11300 “EUROQUALROM”.
For his part, Professor Gabriela Nicolescu, Director of the Computer Engineering and Software Department at Polytechnique Montréal presented the educational programs from her university, in the wider context of educational programs in the field of quality and informational security developed in Canada. A special chapter of the presentation was on cyber-security and related technologies for current and future avionics.
In the final part of this workshop, the students from the Quality and Dependability Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunications (ICSFET) master’s program, developed within FETIT – NUSTPB, discussed various aspects related to the technical, managerial and educational aspects of quality and dependability, as they are reflected in the curricula of the mentioned program.
Another workshop from the series of those dedicated to the centenary of modern quality was organized on the anniversary day (May 16th, 2024) and was dedicated to aspects related to the dependability of IT systems and especially IT security issues.
PhD students in cyber-security coordinated by Professor Emeritus Ioan Bacivarov (first from left) participating, together with members of the guidance commissions, in the RAISA Workshop from 16 May 2024
Doctoral students in the field of cyber-security, members of the guidance commissions and other specialists in the field participated in the debates, which analysed current aspects and perspectives in this important field. Since there is an acute lack of specialists in these key fields, at universities with a technical profile – and especially at the profile faculties of NUST “POLITEHNICA” Bucharest – many master’s and doctoral programs in this priority area have been implemented in the last decade and will be implemented in the coming years, Prof. Ioan Bacivarov mentioned at the end of the workshop.
Title: RAISA Workshops That Marked a Century of Modern Quality
Author(s): PETRICA, Gabriel
Publication: International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime
ISSN: 2285-9225, e-ISSN: 2286-0096
Issue: Volume 13, Issue 1, Year 2024
Section: Books Reviews and Conferences Analysis
Page Range: 76-77
Copyright ©2012-2025
The International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime (IJISC)
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