The Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology of Bucharest – 70 Years
Author(s): BACIVAROV, Ioan
Issue: Volume 12, Issue 2, Year 2023
The Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (FETIT), one of the elite faculties of the largest and oldest technical university in Romania – the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) “Politehnica” Bucharest – celebrated its 70th anniversary in the fall of 2023.
Historically speaking, the Romanian school of Electronics and Telecommunications was set up in 1920 as part of the Polytechnic School of Bucharest. This later developed as a distinct specialization called Telephony – Telegraphy within the Faculty of Electromechanics (1924), which will later evolve as a distinct department called Electrocommunications (1929).
The Faculty of Electronics from PIB* was set up in 1953 as a branch of the Faculty of Electromechanics, including the departments of Electronics, Radiocommunications and Telephony – Telegraphy. In 1955 its name was changed to the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications (FET). Since 2005, FET from PIB / UPB has become the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (FETIT).
Throughout the seven decades of its existence, numerous prestigious professors have taught at FET, including Tudor Tănăsescu, Gheorghe Cartianu, Alexandru Spătaru, Mihai Drăgănescu, Vasile Cătuneanu a.o. Since 1990, FET has an impressive location of about 20,000 sqm in the Leu campus, which offers very good conditions both for students and teachers.
FETIT provides its graduate and postgraduate students with a wide range of educational opportunities. The teaching staff, having rich experience in research, teach classes to the students in the fields of Electronics, Microelectronics, Computer Engineering and Telecommunications. In all these fields the emphasis is on acquiring both theoretical and practical knowledge. All courses are devised so as to meet all educational and training requirements in accordance with the current top technology in order to be useful to the industry and business organizations based on technology transfer in Romania. As a result of the strong collaboration with the industry and business environment, the faculty has answered the increase in the graduates recruitment demand by means of a larger amount of knowledge, including a degree in both the technological field and in the economic and managerial one.
Professors Vasile Cătuneanu, Mihai Drăgănescu, Gheorghe Cartianu and Alexandru Spătaru (in a picture from 1959, together with his students), some of the excellent teachers who wrote the history of the faculty in these decades
Regarding the domain of safety / security – the field of interest of IJISC – the first notions in this sense were introduced in the graduate and postgraduate** courses taught in the faculty since the end of the 70s. Later, with the restructuring of master’s programs in accordance with the Bologna cycle at the beginning of the 2000s, different master’s programs included more and more concepts and courses in these fields.
Opening of the academic year 2023/2024 for the 27th promotion of the ICSFET master’s program
A special mention for the master’s program “Quality and Dependability in Electronics and Telecommunications” – ICSFET, which reached its 27th promotion this academic year, in which several courses in the field of IT security are taught in cooperation with the specialists of the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance (RAISA).
In the last 15 years – in line with the growing importance of cybersecurity – concepts in the field have started to find more and more space in courses taught at FETIT; some of them have even been the subject of separate courses included in the faculty curriculum (such as the Cryptography course).
We predict that this trend will continue in the next period, in the context of an acute need for specialists in the cybersecurity field; therefore, in the FETIT curriculum, new graduate level courses will have to be introduced, but especially new master’s programs in the field. And this can only be achieved through a close cooperation of specialists from the university environment with those from research and the corporate environment.
The anniversary of seven decades since the establishment of FETIT was marked in November 2023 with an impressive gala, in which – in emotional words – the history of the faculty was evoked and its evolution in the following years was predicted.
The Rector of the NUST “Politehnica” Bucharest, Mihnea Costoiu and the deans of the related faculties of the university addressed warm words of greeting on this occasion.
A special moment of the festivity was the “Emeriti Professors Gala”, an opportunity to evoke memories and pay tribute to the teachers who contributed to the construction and development of the faculty.
Some of these professors, whose life and activity were intertwined for a long period of time with the history and evolution of the faculty, were rewarded by the management of the university and the faculty with Honorary Diplomas for their entire activity.
Members of the management of NUST “Politehnica” participating in the Gala “FETIT-70”
The period of 70 years that have passed since the establishment of FETIT represents an important landmark in its evolution, a moment of balance and thinking towards future – academic and research – projects.
The performance in education is attested by the quality of the tens of thousands of specialists that FETIT has trained in these years and who have fully contributed to the development of electronics and telecommunications not only in Romania, but also in all the countries where they later worked.
The “FETIT-70” Gala, an opportunity to meet colleagues from different generations, to debug memories…
The size of the research is revealed by the multitude of national and international scientific research contracts solved, by the numerous patents, books and studies with authors from FETIT. An argument for the scientific value is also represented by the hundreds of doctorate titles awarded under the coordination of the teaching staff of the faculty.
All the previously mentioned are an argument for those in FETIT – students and professors alike – to continue on the path they started, a path of dynamism and performance, of excellence in education and research.
And as it is good in the academic environment, at this anniversary moment we close with the traditional wish: Vivat, crescat, floreat!
*Since 1948, the Polytechnic School of Bucharest (PSB) becomes the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest (PIB). Starting with 1992, PIB became the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest (UPB). Since 2023, UPB becomes the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) “Politehnica” Bucharest.
** We could mention here the Postgraduate Academic Program “Quality, Reliability, and Maintainability of Complex Systems” (1972 – 2008). The issue of security was addressed in the course “Reliability and security of highly functional importance systems”, held by Professor Ioan Bacivarov between 1985 and 2008.
Title: The Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology of Bucharest – 70 Years
Author(s): BACIVAROV, Ioan
Publication: International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime
ISSN: 2285-9225, e-ISSN: 2286-0096
Issue: Volume 12, Issue 2, Year 2023
Section: Books Reviews and Conferences Analysis
Page Range: 55-58
Copyright ©2012-2025
The International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime (IJISC)
All rights reserved
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